Customised for each village, tailored for the individual
At the heart of Village Guru is the Village Essentials Report which provides downsizers with the information they need to understand and compare the costs of moving to a village, including:
How much it costs to move in
What the ongoing costs are
The affect on their Age Pension
Whether they can access Rent Assistance
The fees of a Home Care Package
The costs when they leave
When they will get their money back.
The software provides the flexibility to compare different payment options within a village, compare one village to another, and compare the costs of downsizing to the village with staying in their current home.
Reach out to our sales team to see how Village Guru can transform the way you show the financials of moving to your village.

While a Village Essentials Report can help downsizers crunch the numbers (which is great information to have), it’s not financial advice, they should seek advice from an accredited Retirement Living and Aged Care Specialist® Financial Adviser.

Village Guru has partnered with the Property Council of Australia to provide training on using Village Guru software. Click on the appropriate training module button below, register your details and learn how to get the most out of our amazing software.

Village Guru – less regrets, more living!

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Ph: 1300 855 770
©2023 Aged Care Gurus Pty Ltd ABN 61 156 657 733